favorite brother

Happy Birthday to my "Favorite" Brother:
I have just spent the morning looking for pictures of you and found that, I think, you were usually the picture taker instead of the one having your picture taken.
I have lots of memories of our childhood and I know you do too, since we often discuss things that we did when we were growing up.
Here are a few:
Playing Monopoly one whole summer. I think you still owe me what you borrowed from me so we could keep playing.
Picking pigeons at a penny a piece.
Hunting for rats with Buddy and the time one ran up your pant leg.
Running for the bus on Sunday mornings to go to church. You kept watch by the road to see when the bus was up on North Ave and then you'd call for us to run.
Sunday visits after church with the cousins at Grandma & Grandpa's house. And playing Show with Aunt Loretta.
Cutting the lawn with a push mower and when the grass was long we both pushed it together.
Catching pollywogs in our pond and raising them in jars until they became frogs. Sleeping on the front porch in hot weather and Daddy carrying us inside before the sun came up. That was our air conditioning.
We sure had fun, didn't we?
Love, Your "Favorite" Sister
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