We drove over from Oshkosh in the black Corvair with the red seats. Mary made supper. Was Kathy sleeping in her crib in your bedroom? And then we lit up 3 cigars and John took our pictures. Whose idea and whose cigars? Capriccio Italienne played on your stereo system in that tiny living room, maybe also some Ravel. I remember John thought your stereo system the best and never found equipment that equaled the sound that we listened to that night.

We drove up to Door County in the black Corvair. It was autumn. I remember dry leaves in the park shelter. No one else was at the state park but the four of us. Maybe we met you somewhere before we got to Door County . I think Mary brought hot dogs. We ate and took photos and drove fast thru the woods.
We drove the black Corvair to the June Sprints. We must have met at your apartment because we could never have found you at the race. I know we went to your apartment after the race. There was another couple and we had supper. It was such an exciting day. I think this may have been the first time I met you. That day at the June Sprints attained mythical status in our memories.
I saw a black Corvair in the grocery store parking lot just this past week. It was sporting “collector” license plates.
I’m glad you and Mary are in my collection of good memories.
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