fogman saves the day
In the summer of 1993, Gibbons from around the globe flocked to gather for the annual reunion. There was feasting and glad merriment. But wait.
An uninvited blood-sucking guest had just arrived: the dreaded Minnesota Mosquito. And he brought his friends. It was the rainy season in Forest Lake and millions of mosquito larva had hatched just days before the start of the celebration. Pestilence beset the happy celebration. Toxic sprays and lotions were liberally applied; swatting and quiet swearing commenced and threatened to spoil the party.
Enter our hero. Norm knew there was no time to lose. The normally mild-mannered Gibbons-in-law sprang into action, first donning the mask, then the cape. His transformation complete, Fogman was ready. With jaw set in grim determination and with reckless disregard for his own safety he stepped into the battle with the hated Minnesota Mosquito. He fogged. He fogged and fogged and fogged. And then he fogged some more.
Who would emerge victorious from the fog-obscured battlefield? Would the reunion be saved? Mothers clutched their children close; some quietly sobbed; others cried out “Fogman, save me”! The reunioners watched with breathless anticipation. Then, from out of the fog, a figure strode toward them. Reunioners squinted to make out the shape. Could it be? Yes! Cheers erupted. It was Fogman, victorious! The mighty Minnesota Mosquito had been defeated! The reunion was saved!
These rare photos of our camera shy superhero were captured through the keen lens of Fogman’s east-coast niece, Helen.

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