one more rescue story
Twas many months before Christmas, in fact it was May.
Not a dark cloud was blowing for most of the day.
The Schwisters were nestled at home safe and sound
with hopes that the storm would not land in their town.
When out of the sky there arose such a wail.
Tornados were sighted. There was rain, there was hail!
Away to the basement Norm flew nice and quick,
with the radio tuned and the candles all wicked.
When what to Norm's wondering ears should he hear,
but a call from his daughter, which filled him with fear.
A tornado in Shoreview had smashed up her van.
Norm knew in a moment he must have a plan.
He sprang into action, up the stairs Norman raced.
He must stage a rescue there was no time to waste.
The power was out; it was as dark as night.
Norm needed a candle or two for some light.
He searched and he rummaged in all of the drawers
in his haste Norman dropped something glass on the floor.
Norm stepped on a glass shard and to his chagrin
he cut his bare foot, it was really stuck in.
Norm did not stop to fix his bad sore.
He raced to the garage but could not open the door.
He heaved and hoed; he pushed and he groaned.
He finally managed to lift that big load.
To keep it from falling back down on his head,
he set the stepladder beneath it instead.
When out in the garage there arose such a clatter
Mary ran out the door to see what was the matter.
Norm had forgotten the height of the thing.
Smacked his head on the door- Oh my, what a ding!
With his foot dripping blood and his head with a lump,
he didn't delay, in the car he did jump.
His head- how it pounded! His foot, how it ached!
He barely could handle the wheel and the brake.
He sped down the road with his wife by his side.
Mary said, 'Honey, do you think I should drive?"
He spoke not a word, but gripped the wheel tight.
His daughter was in peril, he must make it right.
Ahead in the road there appeared a great tree
blocking his path. Oh, how could this be?
Old Mother Nature had played her last card.
Norm had to return to his own house and yard.
Norm did exclaim as he drove through the night,
"I hope that her husband can set the thing right."

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